More Than a Million Gone

Local Memorial Day Observances and Thoughts CARRIE JONES MAY 25, 2024 Share MOUNT DESERT ISLAND—All the way back in 1868, a young girl wrote a New York official a note. In it, she asked for the city official to place a garland on the grave of an unknown Confederate soldier. Her own father, she said, was buried all the way in Georgia. She wanted, she hoped, … Continue reading More Than a Million Gone

Vinyl in Vogue: With a Giant Leap of Love, Matt Manry Heads into Both the Business and Museum Worlds

CARRIE JONES JAN 21, 2024 Share MOUNT DESERT AND ELLSWORTH—Check out Matt Manry’s TikTok and you enter part of his world: vinyl, random chill dancing as an evolutionary response to good music. Maybe a snippet of the Talking Heads or the Doors will grace your ears. Maybe the reel will feature Matt dancing or one of his many projects repairing really old record players and … Continue reading Vinyl in Vogue: With a Giant Leap of Love, Matt Manry Heads into Both the Business and Museum Worlds